Friday, February 10, 2012

Down to single digits!

We're down to single digit days left before my due date!  Holy moly!  It's kind of crazy that I can reply with "next Sunday" when someone asks me "when are you due?".

I had a little false alarm Wednesday night.  I woke up to go to the bathroom at around 1:30 a.m. and was having some intense cramps and then started having a few contractions.  I laid in bed for about an hour not really sure what to do before it all started to subside!  I didn't wake Christian up or anything because I just didn't get the feeling that it was too urgent.  Yeah, it was uncomfortable but it wasn't crazy painful.  My doc says I'll know when it's real labor.  Basically, I'm hoping my water breaks so I don't have to second guess myself.  haha  So, after it all subsided, I just went back to sleep and woke up feeling fine yesterday.  And, everything is still good to go!  It's just a waiting game now.

I've still been working out almost every day which I totally believe is responsible for me feeling so good in these last weeks.  I really don't feel much different or any more uncomfortable than I have most of my pregnancy.  Yes, this huge belly gets in my way and the extra 35 lbs I've tacked on hurt my back and legs but other than that, I'm really feeling good...awkward, but good..  I've pretty much kept up with my pre-pregnancy workout routine, minus the running.  I stopped running when I got into my second trimester just because it seemed weird to me.  I do about 20 minutes on the elliptical along with strength training about three days a week and the other two or three days I just do cardio.  I'm doing a little lighter weight now and I don't do things where I lay on my back or anything that could possibly make me fall off balance (weighted squats, etc).  But, everything else is pretty much fair game as long as I feel comfortable and my heart rate doesn't sky rocket.  I'm just hoping this really helps after baby is here so I can get back into shape as soon as possible.  Plus, I'm hoping for an easier delivery because of it!

Well, it's Friday and I hope all of you are planning a great weekend!  We have a very interesting day planned for tomorrow!  One of my good friends up here, Vicki, has an uncle who is a World War II vet.  His name is Tony.  He was a pilot and Vicki connected him with Christian and they chat over email and Tony sends all kinds of amazing stories about his career.  So, a couple weeks ago, we were hanging out with Vicki and her boyfriend, Matt, and mentioned that we'd love to officially meet Tony so the five of us (me, Christian, Vicki, Matt and Tony) are all going to meet out at base tomorrow so Christian can show him around the C-130.  Then, we're going to head over to NAES Lakehurst (about 25 minutes from McGuire-where Christian is stationed) so we can do a little tour of where the Hindenburg crashed, see some of the huge airship hangers that were used back in the World Wars and go through a small museum over there.  I'm so excited!  Seriously, y'all would be so entertained by some of the stories Tony has about his flying days.  They are absolutely amazing.  Christian tells me that military aviation is so different now and there's no way he'd be able to have any stories that compare to Tony's.  It's really interesting!  So, that will be a lot of fun.  I'll take lots of pictures.

Those are our only plans for the weekend as of right now.  I know those of you on Mom's side of the family will be enjoying the 60th anniversary party for Grannie and PawPaw.  I wish so badly that we could be there!  I can't wait to come home and see everyone in April!  We'll be there for about a week for Alison's wedding and a little beach vacation.  And, of course, we'll have Max with us!  That will be super exciting!  I'm a little nervous about the logistics of traveling with him but we'll figure it all out.

Well, enjoy the weekend and continue to send positive ju-ju our way so this little boy will come out!  haha

Love y'all!


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