Monday, January 30, 2012

OK, my body is no longer in my control.

Well, I'm officially full-term now and baby Max's organs should all be fully developed and ready for the this fascinating world.  We have 20 days left until my due date and I am convinced that someone else is now controlling my body.  Seriously, the things that are happening now days are things I refuse to take responsibility for.

For instance, tonight, while cooking spaghetti carbonara for dinner, I was shaking some pepper into the dish and just like in a cartoon, I sneezed my head off.  That's not the weird thing though.  The weird thing is that when I sneezed, I totally peed my pants.  Yep, enough pee to make me change my jeans.  That's just ridiculous.  So, dinner was put on hold so I could run upstairs and make a costume change.  I made Christian aware of my little incident and he insisted I share it with you guys.  He also insisted that I let you all know of another bodily function that I refuse to take responsibility for.  We were laying in bed the other night and he was singing some hilarious little song he made up and it made me laugh really hard and I all of sudden sounded like a fog horn.  I'll let your imaginations figure out what I'm talking about there.  Mind you, in the FOUR years that Christian and I have been together, that has only happened ONCE before.... ON ACCIDENT!  Of course, he thought it was absolutely hilarious. Ugh, seriously... what else is to come?  This is craziness.

I figured you'd all get a kick out of my pregnancy woes.  So, you're welcome.  :)

For those of you who have read Jenny McCarthy's hilarious pregnancy book, "Belly Laughs", or who have had these pregnancy symptoms on their own, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  She is soooo spot on!  haha

Anyway, I head back to the doctor tomorrow for my weekly appointment and I'm guessing it will just be another routine visit.  I'm starting to have more and more Braxton Hicks contractions and I'm feeling more and more pressure down there so I'm hoping I'm progressing!  I'm not having any major pains or anything so I'm assuming it's all good.  I REALLY don't want to go late and have to be induced!  I also can't wait for Mom (soon-to-be-known-as "JuJu") to get here!  I'm so excited to see her and for her to be the first family member Max will meet!  Woohoo!  I really wish we were closer to the whole family so we could have people come see us in the hospital but that's not possible so we'll just work it the way we can!  We have internet access in the hospital so we'll be available on Skype!  So, if you guys want to see Max live and in color, get your Skype accounts ready and find me on there.  My Skype name is "Chrissi Jenkins" and Christian's is "Christian Jenkins".  Easy enough to remember, right?

Well, I hope all of you have a fantastic week and I hope this little post helped give you a little giggle to start your week off right.  haha  Talk soon!



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