Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Good morning to a short week! :)

Good morning everyone!  I hope all of you had a great holiday weekend and had good weather.  Christian got back last Thursday from his last trip before the baby and we had a pretty low-key weekend.  It was a really pretty few days but it was COLD!  The high Sunday was about 29 degrees.  Yikes!  But, I'm not complaining because most of the days have been full of sunshine and no snow!  I'm just hoping this isn't the calm before the (snow)storm.... specifically any storm on the day that I have to go have a baby!  This winter has been pretty mild so far and my friend Sharon, who is from here, says that they sometimes go a few years without snow.  So, here's hoping 2012 is one of those years.  :)

So anyway, this weekend, like I said was pretty low-key.  Saturday Christian cooked his famous lasagna all day (it takes forever) and then we went over to our friends' house (Aiji & Sharon) to watch the sad Saints game and then half of that awful Denver game.  Christian works with Aiji and we have a great time with them.... they're super fun.

Sunday was just a day at the house.  We had to have the toilet replaced in the nursery because it's an older one and wasn't working properly so John (husband of the woman who owns our house) was over for a few hours working on that.  While that was happening, I was going through another one of my "nesting crazes".  I organize and reorganize stuff all the time.  I've been cleaning everything lately.  It's wild.  Not that I wasn't cleaning a lot before but now I'm doing things like every other day that maybe I would normally do once a month.  haha  So, now I'm worried that I'll get everything super clean and when Max gets here I'll just have to sit back and watch all my hard work go downhill.  haha  Oh well, I'll figure it all out.

So, a little update on pregnancy/baby.  Max is still doing great and moving around like crazy.  I feel/see his little feet poke out all the time but I can't really see any definition.  He gets hiccups a lot so hopefully he'll get the hang of breathing soon.  I was getting some pretty bad heartburn but that has pretty much stopped.  I stopped drinking orange juice every morning and that helped a lot!  So, we'll see if the heartburn myth that he'll have a lot of hair rings true!  And as far as pregnancy goes.... Um, I'm over it.  haha  I'm 35 weeks and two days and this little guy couldn't come soon enough.  Of course, I want him to develop as much as he needs to but as soon as he's ready, I'm just waiting!  I've had a fantastic pregnancy and haven't really had anything to complain about but I'm just getting uncomfortable now.  I feel fat, I can't bend over, none of my "cute" maternity clothes really look cute anymore, and I want my old body baaaaaacccckkkk!  haha  Oh well, soon enough, right? It's all for a fabulous cause.  :)  I need to seriously cherish this time and take advantage of my solitude.  It's hard to relax though because I'm so anxious about everything!

Speaking of body.... we had our maternity photos taken this past Friday here at the house.  I can't wait to see them!  There are some really cute poses and ideas that we tried to recreate.  She's supposed to send me a log-in to an online gallery of them within 10 days so I'm anxiously awaiting that!  It was SOOOO cold outside and we actually did a few outside shots and poor Christian was in a t-shirt and jeans and I was wearing jeans, a tank top and a VERY thin cardigan.  So, we were laying on the ground shaking from the cold while trying to smile and make a cute picture.  haha  It was quite entertaining.  Hopefully they turn out good.

Well, that's about it for now.  Have a great week, everyone!



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