Thursday, July 28, 2011

Is it the end of August yet?

Christian left this morning for 30 days in Bahrain and it was a tough one for me.  Maybe it's due to all these additional hormones but I was crying like a baby.  I took him to base at about 6:30 this morning and then came home and slept until about 10:30.  I hate these days.  But, then again, he's only gone a month.  It could be WAYYYY worse.  So, I'll make it through it.  It just makes it harder since I have doctors appointments and ultrasounds that he'll miss.  Blah....

So, enough with my pity party.  I just ask all of you to say a little prayer that he stays safe over there.  :)

In the mean time, I've gone a lot of plans coming up!  I'm spending this weekend down in Ocean City, NJ with my friend Vicki and some of her friends.  She and he boyfriend rented a place down there for the rest of the summer so I'm pretty excited about the beach and hanging with friends!  I'll come back home either Saturday night or Sunday morning then I have a brunch date with my friend Paige on Sunday.  Monday will be a regular Monday and then Tuesday I have my next appointment.  I'm having the sequential screening done which consists of a very in depth ultrasound and some blood work.  It's something that was optional for me and the purpose of this screening is to determine if there is a high chance of any kind of genetic defect (Down Syndrome, etc).  I'm, frankly, just doing it to have an extra ultrasound.  The genetic testing doesn't really matter to me.  But if I didn't have this done, I wouldn't have another ultrasound until around 20 weeks!  That's like 9 weeks away!  I'm already nervous enough so I couldn't imagine waiting that long.  So, please pray that everything turns out well on Tuesday for us!

Then, Wednesday, ALISON GETS HERE!  I'm SOOOOO excited!  I can't wait!  We'll spend a little time in the city so I can show her some neat stuff and hopefully eat somewhere neat and then show her around our town.  We'll probably leave Friday to start our drive down to Pensacola.  I'm really excited about coming home too.  I miss everyone so much!  There's no place like home, that's for sure!  I can't wait to be on the beach and get some good Florida sun!  This white girl needs a little color, big time.
I'm not sure when I'll head back up here from Florida.  I'm planning on leaving on the 15th to drive back up.  I have another doctors appointment on August 17th so unless I change that to a little later, I'll still be leaving on the 15th.

Then, I think Christian gets back around August 28th so I'll have to figure out some other stuff to do to kill time between the 17th and then.  Hopefully I'll be able to go down to VA Beach to visit friends down there.

Something else that's been going on is that I've been reading "The Help".  Holy moly that book is sooooooo good and I CANNOT WAIT to see the movie.  It comes out August 10th so I'll definitely be seeing it while I'm home.  For those of you who have not read it, I highly recommend it.  I'm half way through and it's such an easy read.  It's about 1960s Mississippi when civil rights was becoming a big thing and it's about a white girl who helps the black maids (the help) get their stories out about what it's like to work for white families.  It's so great and makes you cheer on the maids!  I can't wait to read the rest of it.

I'd like to also say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my big brother!  I hope he has an amazing day!  I'm going to try and turn this lazy day around and get my butt out of the house.  I hope all of you have a wonderful day and weekend!  I'll see most of you in the next couple weeks!  Love y'all!



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