Thursday, July 21, 2011

Holy Lord it's HOT!

So, you all probably know by now (b/c of my bitching) that we don't have central air.  We have three window units in this house (one in main living room *the only one downstairs*, one in master bedroom, and one in the quest bedroom).  Well, it's hot as hell.  Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that there is a wicked heat wave covering much of the country.  Well, NJ is smack in the middle of it.  Highs of 100 for three days in a row with all kinds of air quality warnings that come along with that make this chick want to stay inside ALL DAY LONG.  Those air quality warnings really freak me out.  Apparently, according to a random woman one day, NJ is part of the cancer belt in the US b/c of all the pharmaceutical plants (ironic) and nuclear plant around here.  Well I, personally, don't want cancer and I'm not taking any crazy risks by going out for a breath-shortening jog while those warnings are posted all over my page.  No. thank. you.

Well, before the heat really got here, Christian and I were in Maryland this past weekend visiting his dad.  We had a good time and he took me to Deep Creek Lake (kind of a resort area out there) for lunch and we ended up looking at a few houses around the lake.  Man, we fell in love with one log cabin that had an Open House that day.  Of course, none of that is really realistic right now but we definitely eventually want a lake house somewhere.  I'm hoping for a lake house to be our permanent residence in about six years when Christian's retired from the Navy and working for someone else.  Who knows.

Anyway, we got home this past Tuesday and it's been a warm one ever since.  I've still been feeling pretty good.  I'm still really tired at certain points during the day and I get nauseous in the afternoons/evenings almost every day now.  It's not awful but it's not fun.   I'm almost 10 weeks now which is really exciting.  I'm so ready to be at the 12/13 week point so I'm out of the first trimester!  My waistline is expanding a little each day and my pants are pretty uncomfortable.  I bought a Bella Band yesterday so I might start using that pretty soon so I can wear my shorts unbuttoned.  haha  I've been reading some pregnancy books.  First off, "What to Expect When Your Expecting" is truly the pregnancy bible.  It has an answer to just about every question that pops into my mind.  It's great.  I also read Jenny McCarthy's book "Belly Laughs" and it was HILARIOUS!  I was laughing out loud the whole way though.  Sooooo funny.  Those are the only two I've gotten and probably all I'll be reading.  I don't want to get a thousand different ideas in my head so I figure I'll just keep it simple.  :)

Speaking of reading, I'm REALLY wanting to read "The Help" and then see the movie when it comes out.  I've heard it's so good and I can't wait to read/see it.  I also need to get back on the studying train for the GRE.  I have slacked off quite a bit and I take the GRE at the end of August so hopefully I'll do fine.  Ugh!

Anyway, I hope all of you are having a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend!  You Floridians are lucky that you have the water close-by!  I can't wait to be down there in a couple weeks to take a dip in the Gulf and in a pool!  I miss swimming so much!

Talk soon-


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