Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lordy Lordy.... look who's, 26.

Happy Sunday morning!!!

I hope all of you are having a fantastic weekend and that you all did something fun!  Mine has been wonderful.  My girlfriends and I went over to Atlantic City Friday night for my birthday celebration and had an absolute blast!  I slept 'til 10 a.m. today to make up for the loss of sleep.  haha  We had five girls and went to dinner at Buddakon (a great Asian upscale place) and then went out at Ceasars and then over to the Borgata.  We were out until about 4 a.m.  You seriously lose track of time in those places!!!  I lost $100 on roulette, Vicki won $200+ on the Wheel of Fortune slots and then Trish "won" $500 because a guy she was tagging along with a guy who won $15,000 after a $5,000 blackjack bet and gave her $500 (great story!).  haha  So, we had a blast.

Yesterday was a low-key rainy day and Christian had to work.  Last night we walking into town to get sushi and on the way back we saw our first fire flies of the season.  I love those things! They make the fields up here look like they sparkle at night.  Today I'm going to be cleaning house and working on the yard.  We're having Christian's squadron's Admin dept over tomorrow for a cookout so we have a lot to do to prepare for that.  The weather has been gloomy this weekend but it's supposed to be sunny and 80 degrees tomorrow!  PERFECTION, right?!  I love summertime up here.  And, it's my birthday tomorrow!

So anyway, I'll catch you guys up on a few things.  Last weekend, we were down in Pensacola for a wedding and to see the finished product at our house in Pace.  It looks great and we're very happy with the work!  But, now we need renters!  We have it listed with a realtor so hopefully she'll find someone soon.  Jenna's wedding last weekend was so much fun and so beautiful.  She looked amazing as well.  We had a great time.  On Friday night, Dad took Christian and I over to Fairhope, AL for dinner at the Wash House.  I HIGHLY recommend that place!!!  It's sooooooooo good!  The decorations and atmosphere are fantastic too!  Yummo!  I want to go back TONIGHT!  haha  The trip was fun and short lived.  But, we headed back to Philly Monday night and have had a good week.

I started my new job at Pottery Barn Wednesday!  It was a lot of fun.  I'll be working two shifts during the week and one on the weekend.  And, I've already requested a ton of time off and they seem to be fine with it so I'm diggin' this whole thing.  :)  I've already redecorated my house in my head with stuff in the store.  haha!  I LOVE their stuff.

I started studying for the GRE already and I'm a bit nervous.  The math portion is going to rock my world.  The essays and stuff like that don't worry me but the fact that I haven't had any math in about six years is a little terrifying.  Christian has already helped me a little bit so that's good.

I ordered the book "Marriage Confidential" that I mentioned in my last post.  So, I'm looking forward to starting that this week.

I have to mention the fact that I'm sitting on the porch right now typing this and listening to the Smooth Jazz channel on Direct TV and I swear I turn more into my mother every day!  haha I remember waking up in middle and high school on Sunday mornings to jazz music playing, windows open and mom either cleaning or sitting on the porch reading.  Cat Sunday Jazz Brunch on 99.9.... ohhh memories.  :)  Love you momma!

So, anyway, nothing much more is going on.  Enjoy your Sunday and have a great week coming up!

"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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