Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy June!

Can any of you really believe that today is the first day of June?  I CANNOT!  It's nuts that this year is just about half over!  2011 has been a pretty decent year so far, I must say.  We've had a lot of fun, we're loving New Jersey and we've continued our crazy traveling.  I hope it's been a great year for all of you as well!

So, my last post was all about Oprah's farewell and I must say, I find myself a little lost at 4:00 every afternoon.  I'm used to my daily dose of Oprah therapy at that time and I no longer get that!  So, I will have to find some other way to be enlightened.  ;)  I hope to get back into reading very soon.  I had a bucket list goal of 12 books for the year and I think I've finished two.  Oops.  I'm going to head to the bookstore later today and check out a new book my friend, Vicki, recommended to me.  She knows that I'm obsessed with marriage and relationships and all that jazz so the book is called "Marriage Confidential".  It had a great write-up in USA Today and has been pretty interested!

One other thing that I will have to keep me busy during the summer is studying for the GRE.  I finally bit the bullet and registered to take the GRE at the end of August.  I'm super intimidated; especially about the math portion.  I haven't had math since my sophomore year of college!  Hopefully Christian's engineering brain will be able to help me out with the arithmetic.  I probably won't be starting grad school anytime soon, though.  We only have two years left here in Jersey and then we don't know where we'll end up so I don't want to start something here and then have to worry about credits not transferring.  I'll start once we figure out where we're moving.  Something that is slightly unfortunate is the fact that only a select number of schools offer the program that I'm really interested in: sex therapy.  As I mentioned in last week's post, Oprah kickstarted the public career of Dr. Laura Berman, a renowned sex & relationship therapist based in Chicago.  I started listening to her talk radio show a couple years ago and just fell in love with her work.  She's so open-minded and helps everyday people open their minds to new ways to improve their relationships (although, not only through sex).  Thomas Jefferson University here in Philly offers a fantastic program instructed by accredited sex therapists.  I would LOVE to get into that program but who knows if we'll stay here.  I think there are about 11 schools that offer this program and they're pretty much all in the Northeast.  So, we'll see if I actually get to do something that specialized or if I'll have to go the more traditional route of Marriage and Family Counseling.  There are many more schools that offer that program.  We shall see.  Either way, I know it will be interesting.

So, other than that stuff, here are a few updates on our lives!  We had a great Memorial Day weekend with lots of activities going on.  Saturday, we went to an airshow in Millville, NJ and then to a BBQ at Tim & Katie's (Tim is in Christian's squadron).  Sunday, we laid low around the house and then went to my friend Vicki's place for a cookout.  And then, Monday, we went boating down in Baltimore with Christian's biological dad and his family.  We had a great time all weekend!

Christian's back to work for a three-day week and then we leave Friday morning for Pensacola!  I can't wait to see my parents and family and friends!  I'm so excited.  I get even more excited when Christian gets to come home with me!  We get in early Friday morning and we have to take care of some final things with our house in Pace and then we have dinner reservations over in Fairhope with Dad & Rhonda.  They've been telling me all about this place called The Wash House so I asked Dad to make reservations for the four of us.  Saturday morning will be spent with family since we get to see baby Bram and the rest of that clan.  Then, we'll probably grab lunch or something with Mom, John and Adam.  Saturday evening will be spent celebrating Jenna & James getting hitched!  I'm so excited for the wedding and to see all of our friends in one place!  Great times to be had!  Then, we have Sunday and Monday to kill some time before we head back north.

The following weekend is my birthday weekend so me and about five other girlfriends are heading to Atlantic City!  We'll be hanging by the pool by day and partying by night!  I'm pretty pumped about it!  My first summertime trip to the shore.  ha!

Oh- I almost forgot!  I had my Pottery Barn orientation yesterday!  It went really well and I'm pretty excited to work there to kill some time.  Our store manager is super nice and really laid back.  I'm pretty stoked about the 40% discount too!  I was looking through a catalog this morning and I want everything!  haha  I start work next Wednesday and I'll probably work two shifts a week.  They're going to be really flexible with my schedule because I want to be able to be home when Christian is home from trips.  So, that's really great.  I met two other new girls that I'll be working with and they're super nice too.  Everything seems like it's going to be pretty perfect!

Nothing much else to report.  I hope all of you are having a great short week!  Happy June and Happy Summer!  Enjoy it!



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