Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Monday!

I know the title of this blog may upset some of you but, frankly, I love Mondays.... especially when Christian is gone.  I can't stand the weekends when he's gone b/c I have nothing to do and there's only so much stuff I can do by myself.  Plus, I'm used to my daytime t.v. shows and my regular routine during the week.  But, I did work yesterday for five hours so that killed some time.

Speaking of doing things by myself- Saturday I went to the Philadelphia Art Museum for the first time since we moved up here!  I know Christian doesn't like the artsy fartsy stuff so I decided if I was going to go, I was going to be alone.  Plus, for those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE doing things by myself sometimes because I need "me time".  I get that from my momma.  So anyway, the museum was fun!  Plus, I got in free b/c they are a Blue Star museum which means military families get in free between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  Regular admission is $25 so I figured I better take advantage of this deal!  The only other art museum I've been to is the National Gallery of Art in DC.  That was pretty neat too but I was w/ Christian and he was making jokes so I couldn't really appreciate what I was looking at.  At the PMA on Saturday, I saw two different areas of the museum.  I saw all of the American art which consisted of paintings of American Indians and their treks across country and then the majority of the rest of that exhibit was all American-made antique furniture.  That was pretty neat b/c I love antiques!  It was awesome to see an old elaborate bedroom all set up and staged behind glass or big wardrobes from the 1700s.  Then, after the American stuff, I saw some European art which consisted of about 20 different Monet pieces and, of course, several other artists I had never heard of.  Then, in that same area was the modern or contemporary art.  That stuff is strange!  There was a whole room with about 6 HUGE canvases just with Greek gods' names scribbled on them with what looked like crayons.  There was a piece that was a wall-mounted sink with two left-footed child's legs coming out of it.  Yeah, weird and I don't get that stuff.  haha  But then, I saw a lone Pablo Picasso piece.  That was pretty neat.  So, at that point, I had seen two of the most famous artists' pieces.  It may not be a big deal to some of you but I thought it was pretty neat.  Then, one of my favorite artists is Jackson Pollock.  I was walking around and almost out of the area with that type of art when I ran across one smaller piece of his and that made my day.  I was thinking I wasn't going to see one.  So, after that, I made my way to the gift shop to look around and then headed towards the exit.  I didn't have the desire to see the entire museum that day.  It was fun, it was free, and I got some culture!

As I mentioned, Christian is on another trip.  He's headed out the Pacific but will be back this coming Sunday.  He left last Friday.  When he gets back, we're going out to his dad's for a couple days which should be fun.  It's beautiful out there in the summertime.  Then, we'll come back either Tuesday or Wednesday then Dad & Rhonda get here next Friday!!!  I'm SOOO excited for them to get here!  We have a fun weekend planned.  Friday will probably be pretty low-key but we might go to Haddonfield to walk around since they have a celebration on the first Friday of every month.  Then, depending on Saturday's weather, there's a really neat farm around here that I want to visit and then Saturday night we're going to take them to New Hope!  I LOVE NEW HOPE!  It's such a fantastic little town.  Then, Sunday is our day/night in Philly.  Dad, being his typical self, booked two rooms for us at the Ritz in Center City for us to stay there Sunday night.  That should be fun!  It's completely unnecessary since we clearly have a place to stay but he insisted so we're tagging along..... darn, right?!  haha

I'm really looking forward to my next trip home too!  My best friend, Alison, is flying up here in August and we're going to drive back to Florida together!  So much fun!  We've been best friends for 24 years and this is our first long road trip together.  Plus, she's one of the very few people I could actually stand to be in a car with for that long.  haha  Christian will be gone the whole month of August over to the Middle East.  When he gets back, we're planning to go to Germany to see the family.  I can't wait.  I love going over there.  Not sure if we'll go to Austria this time.  It all depends on which house his grandparents are staying in (their main house is in Frankfurt, Germany and their vacation home is in Faistenau, Austria- just outside of Salzburg).  Faistenau is absolutely gorgeous and just a neat experience but Frankfurt is where ALL of the family is so that's fun too.  Then, once we get back from Germany, October will be sneaking up on us.  Then, Christian is in a wedding in Houston at the beginning of November and then we'll come to Florida for Thanksgiving and spend Christmas up here.  We have a ski trip planned with friends right after Christmas so I'm pretty excited about that!  We had a blast two years ago and it's an every two-year tradition now in upstate New York.  Then, it will be an exciting 2012, to say the least!  Gosh, the rest of this year is going to fly by.  I'm already looking forward to Fall!  Plus, I wanted to listen to Christmas music the other day but I held back!  haha

One more thing- I get daily newsletter emails from and this article came across last week but I've saved it b/c it's a good one.  It's about happiness.  And, since you all know how much I love being happy, do me a favor and read it (yes, it's a smidge long).  :)  The seventh paragraph is pretty good.  Also, if any of you are looking for a good book, I'll recommend one that I read last year and still think about all the time.  It's called The Happiness Project by Gretchin Rubin.  It's a really good book that's written really well.  I think it's good for folks around my age and maybe a little older.  So anyway, here's the article:

Ok- hope everyone has a fantastic week!!!!  Do something that makes you happy!



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