Monday, November 29, 2010

Once again, it's been a while!

Well, hello everyone.  I come to you from the apartment above the garage at my dad's house here in Florida!  I am very happy to be home for the holidays.  As many of you know, Christian and I got in town last Saturday evening and spent the first few days of our visit running around seeing as many people as possible!  We also got to stay at my cousin's condo for about four days and that was super nice!  We walked the beach and watched sunsets, went for morning jogs, and even had all of our friends over to watch the Auburn/Alabama game (WAR EAGLE!!!).  We had a great time doing all of that while he was here.  

But, I had to take him to the airport this morning so he could head back to Philly and get ready to leave for his 30+ day trip over to Japan tomorrow.  The goodbye was very hard.  We both shed a few tears (mine continued on the way home and his were held back pretty hard in typical male fashion, haha).  So, needless to say, this whole thing sucks but I know it could be a lot worse.  Thirty days is nothin' compared to six, nine, twelve or eighteen month deployments that other couples have to deal with.  So, I feel a little like a spoiled brat being so emotional about this one.  But, I miss my husband and there's no getting over that.  

So anyway, since I'll be down here for another five-six weeks, I need to keep myself as busy as possible!  I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with family and friends but I'm also such an independent person so I'll be taking day trips here and there by myself.... Destin, Fairhope, etc.  I'm trying to fit in a trip to New Orleans and I've even contemplated getting a job while I'm here.  I'm thinking of working a retail job just a couple nights a week to give me a little holiday money and take up some free time.  Who knows if I'll actually find one but I'll be trying!  

Of course we also have this little thing called Christmas coming up so that will take up some time with the family too!  We have our family Christmas on my mom's side on the 18th and we still need to plan the one for my dad's side of the family.  I also have a baby shower coming up on the morning of the 18th for my beautiful cousin, Ali.  :)  

I don't really have too much to blog about right now but I'm sure something will come up soon enough to bring some interesting thoughts!

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving.  Have a great week back at work!



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