Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In the Season of Giving Thanks...

As Thanksgiving approaches each year, I try to reflect on life and ponder the things for which I am thankful.  I think I have a winning year this year.  Never have I ever been so blessed in life with everything that I want, need and desire.  I have never been happier in life than I am right now and I have so many people and circumstances to thank for this.  So, here are the things I am thankful for:

My home:  As a military wife, I have come to terms with the fact that home really is where the heart is.  For the next six or seven years, we will be moving around the country and we don't have the luxury at this point in our lives of looking for a home to raise a family in and make memories for a lifetime in our children's childhood home.  But, while we're in limbo for the next seven years, I will make the most of the roof over our head.... whether it really "feels" like home or not.  We are blessed that we get to experience life in different parts of the country.  This helps us become more accepting of others and step out of our comfort zones.  I will carry my heart with me to each and every house and home will be where the heart is.  

The military:  I never,  ever thought I would end up as a military spouse.  Coming from Pensacola, Florida (one of the largest military populations), I, like many other young women in Pensacola, had a preconceived notion about what military men were like.  And, I NEVER wanted anything to do with any of them.  But, everything changed when I made some great friends who were officers stationed in Pensacola for flight training.  They (about six guys who lived across the street from me) made me realize what great guys they really were and how hard they worked.  So, two years after making those friends, I met my husband.  Thank God for the change of heart I had regarding military men or else I wouldn't be in the position I am today.  Yes, the military life is tough and yes, it sucks that my husband is gone so much.  But, we are extremely blessed in this economy to be in a position where we never have to worry about getting laid off or always having a back-up plan.  The military allows us to sustain an amazing life and gives us all kinds of opportunities to travel the world and have free healthcare (another luxury in this country).... not to mention the great discounts we get on everyday items.  I'm thankful that my husband is so dedicated to his job as a pilot.  He's so smart and loves what he does.  His dream of being a pilot stemmed from a flight he took to Europe when he was 10 years old... and that dream has come true.  Doing what he loves definitely makes our home a happy one.  

My family:  Family is always at the top of my "gratitude list".... especially my immediate family consisting of my mom, dad, brother and step-parents.  I had such a great time this past weekend with Mom & Adam and now I'm missing my dad a lot!  I can't wait to see him in less than three weeks so we can hang out and laugh like we always do!  Living over 2000 miles away really puts things into perspective regarding your family. When I lived in Florida I had the luxury of seeing my parents any time I wanted to see them.  Now, it's obviously not that easy.  But, the time that we do have together is so special!  Plus, now they have a great vacation spot!  I'm also thankful for all of my extended family; my amazing aunts, cousins, grandfathers and crazy grandmothers (haha)!  The new addition we have coming to the family from Ali & Ben is sooo exciting too!  

My friends: When I moved, I knew things would change a little bit with my friends.  Of course, the most obvious change is the fact that I don't get to see them as often and I can't call them to grab a drink after work or meet me for lunch.  But, thank God I have great friends who are just a phone call away.  There have been a few times since being up here when I really needed a friend to cry to and Alison, Laura and Christina have been there every time I've needed them.  I'm so thankful for great friends like that.  I'm also so very thankful for the great friends I'm making up here.  Junior League has been my saving grace when it comes to friends.  There are such great girls in this group and I'm excited to see how these new found friendships will blossom in the coming months, years, etc.  

and last but certainly not least, the love of my life, Christian:  As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I have never been happier in my life than I am now.  Much (if not all) of that happiness is caused by this amazing, smart, handsome man I get to wake up to every day (well, not every day since he's gone 50% of the time but you get my point).  For those of you who know us really well, you know how unconventional our relationship really is.  We always tell each other that if someone took a transcript of our conversations with each other and didn't get the tone or sarcasm from our conversations, people would think we hated each other!  haha  About 90 percent of the time, we're joking around and laughing and being goofy.  It's awesome.  The other 10 percent of the time is left for serious conversations that are necessary to sustain any relationship, lifestyle and our sanity.  This man that I get to call my husband is everything I could ever ask for.  If I made a list of all the things I want in a man, he would have all of those qualities.  He's obviously very attractive (check), very intelligent (check), fun (check), outgoing (check), good w/ money (check), gets along with anyone he meets (check), can fix things and figure out how things work (check), etc, etc, etc (check, check, check).  Plus, he does little things totally out of the blue that make me so very happy.  For instance, the past two nights, he's built a fire, set up a table in front of the fire place, turned the lights low and we've eaten dinner right in front of the fireplace with Frank Sinatra playing.  Not too shabby, huh?  He's just about the least emotional person I've ever met but he surprises me sometimes with these little things.  I can't wait to spend all the days of my life with him, see him as the father of our children and continue all of our crazy adventures together.  

So, needless to say, life is good.  I'm thankful for everything.... every decision I've made in life that has ultimately made me who I am and gotten me where I am.  Tell me the things you're thankful for!!



1 comment:

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