Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let's talk politics, shall we?

Someone once told me, "when you have kids, you'll really start to care about politics".  Well, that just didn't happen.  Actually, the opposite happened.  Politics in our country and culture is very unattractive to me.  Frankly, the "practice" of politics just annoys the shit out of me.  And what that person said to me couldn't be further from the truth for me as a mother.  I now care much less about politics and I hope and pray my children stay far away from it.  It's mean, judgmental, condescending,  and just flat out childish in our society.  I mean, really, take a look at almost any major politician and their daily/monthly/yearly actions and ask yourself if that's how you'd want your children to act.  My answer to that is a resounding HELL TO THE NO.  The blaming, the name-calling, the bashing... nope, just NOPE.

But, here's the thing.  I see the good in people.  I think most people are full of goodness.  So, because of this, I know a lot of what we perceive is manipulated to make us believe a certain way.  The partisan news networks are a joke and are a shame.  I really do think Barack Obama, George W., Hillary, and Ben Carson are all probably really good people and have family and friends who love the hell out of them.  And just like you and me, they have issues and they have beliefs that they are passionate about.  It takes a strong person to put himself/herself through the brutal backlash that comes with simply expressing his/her beliefs.  Can you imagine?  I would be ripped to shreds.  I care too much what people think about me.  I want to be liked.  You can't want to be liked too much if you're a politician because, simply, you won't be liked by everyone.

So, compassion.  As we embark on yet another election year, Facebook showed me one of my previous posts in it's memories feature the other day.  It was a post I made after Christian and I watched the documentary "Bully".  Here's the post that popped up:

Just finished watching the documentary "Bully". Absolutely heart wrenching as a mom. Raise your kids right, people. Be the good you wish to see in the world. Your kids, no matter how old they are, see what you do and will learn from that. When we, as parents, talk negatively about neighbors, other races, other political parties, etc., we feed into this culture. Be good, do good... 

It hit me again when I read it because of how true those words are that I wrote.

My cousin and I were talking the other day about our older boys (3 and 4 years old) and how perfectly innocent their thought processes are.  They don't see color, class, labels, or who someone votes for.  I wish everyone had the innocence of a child.  At what point do their precious minds become so corrupted with the dirty world we live in?  As a momma, I want to shelter my sweet, precious babies from all the mean spirits in the world.  I know that's not realistic and I know they will learn mean things in school from other children who have witnessed their parents or other people be mean.

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word mean as "characterized by petty selfishness or malice".  Think about that for a minute.  Are you MEAN?  In your most private setting, are you mean?  When you and your husband or wife are talking, are you bashing another ethnic group, political group as a whole, or even a friend?  I have done all of the above.  To your kids, are you mean?  I definitely act in petty selfishness when I just want a freaking break and I snap at my kids or my husband.

But, thank the sweet Lord that I was raised with compassion and grace in my soul.  I don't ever recall a moment in my childhood when either of my parents were talking negatively about anyone, any group, any race.  I am so, so, so thankful for that.  They probably did say mean things.  We're all human.  But, they didn't let me hear it.  Now, as an adult, I have certainly heard some of the mean things that cross their minds and ultimately their lips.  It's a bit of shock.  It's always a bit of a shock when you realize that your parents are more than just your parents.  That they're real people who have their own beliefs and issues.  I can imagine that is something that's a bit of a shock for a parent as well... when you realize your kids are actual humans with their own minds and thought processes.  I'm sure some of my beliefs (or my mouth of a sailor) don't make my parents super proud.  But, que sera sera.  YOLO.  Whatev.

There are so many recent occurrences running across the news tickers that heighten our senses to the nastiness in our world.  The 2016 election, the Black Lives Matter or All Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter, the Planned Parenthood, the Clinton emails, the Mommy Wars, even the damn Kardashians are starting debates.  And social media allows a shield of anonymity in our society that perpetuates this nastiness.  If you go to any major news story and scroll through the comments, you'll see how that invisible shield makes people so damn powerful with their words.  What the folks behind those shields don't process is this; the person/story/group/idea that they are shaming has a true soul behind it.  Now, I'm not talking about telling some rapist murderer to go to hell.  Because, by all means, go to hell.  I'm talking about something as simple as bashing a person for the way they look or how they chose to worship or how they chose to raise their children or how they chose to live in this world.

Have some fucking compassion, damnit (Yes, that's me being passionate and that's how I would speak if I was speaking to a close friend, friends.  Again, I would not make a good politician.).

I'm tired of my kids being raised in a world lacking simple compassion.  When I see someone close to me bash a telemarketer or a store clerk, it hurts my heart.  They are people, too.  If someone is rude to you or has a shitty attitude while they serve you, what better reason to NOT BE A DICK.  Grace.  Show some grace and show those folks that there is good in the world.  Like I said in that post above from a couple years ago, be the good you wish to see in the world.  We are a HUMAN RACE and all children of our higher being.  Treat these humans you meet like they are your brothers/sisters... but only if you're kind to your siblings.  Duh.

Back to me seeing the good in people... I live in Texas now.  By God, this place really reminds you that there is good in this world.  I was told that Texas will get in your blood and it certainly has.  Being from the South, I know people are sweet down here.  But, Texas sweetness is on another level... for me... a white, married woman with two adorable kids.  I know for other people, this may not be the nicest place.  But, I will do my part in the world to be "Texas friendly" and show compassion, GRACE, and love.

I used to say my favorite word was clever.  I don't know why.  I've just always loved that word.  It think it sounds neat and I like clever people.  But now, since I've become a mom and I've grown into a real woman, my favorite word is grace.  Grace is defined as "a divine favor bestowed freely on people".  Wow.  Isn't that a beautiful word?  Grace to ourselves and grace to others.  Pure magic.

Grace and compassion could cure the world.


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