Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's Fall Y'all.

Hey y'all!

Gosh, it's been a month and a half since I've written a post.  I know so many of you were waiting anxiously for my next post!  ;-)

Well, first thing, I'll update y'all on the medical stuff that I just kind of left hanging in my last post.  So, after pathology reports came back, it was determined that I did, in fact, have a partial molar pregnancy.  Basically, the science of that is that two sperm fertilized one egg and caused a big genetic hot mess.  It caused benign tumors to grow all over the placenta which eventually killed the baby.  So, I've been having weekly blood work to monitor my hormone levels to make sure all of that tissue was gone after the D&C and that it stays gone.  So, FINALLY, last week, my levels were a three which essentially means zero (anything less than a five = zero according to my doc).  So, here's hoping that it stays that low and doesn't rise back up.  If it did go back up, that would mean the cells have duplicated and the tissue is returning.  So, here's hoping.  Now that we're at a zero, we will wait another six months before getting pregnant just to make sure none of the tissue comes back.  It's such a long process and kind of a pain in the ass (and the arm with the bloodwork).  But, hopefully all is normal now and we won't have anymore issues.  So, that's that.

Now, on to more pleasant things.  We're getting into the Fall spirit up here in NJ.  Our weather has been just divine lately and it's actually a little warm this week.  But, my pumpkins are out and our columns are graced with dried corn stalks.  Mums are planted and the leaves are a beautiful orange and maroon all over the neighborhood.  Everything it great.  We're still LOVING our new home and neighborhood.  It's been so wonderful.  We basically live out in the farm lands.  We're about 30 minutes from "town" and rely heavily on the resources we have on base- like the commissary and exchange.  It's just tough to take a trip 30 minutes away and still maintain a decent nap schedule for Max.  But, it all works just fine.  Until our stupid government decided to shut down and now I HAVE to drive 30 minutes to a decent grocery store.  Blah.  But, that's about the extent of the affect this whole shutdown has had on us so we're pretty lucky.  We still get paid, my husband still goes to work, the planes still fly, and our housing still gets paid.  So, I can't complain.  It's just a shame that our government just sucks.  Seriously, it sucks.  And, both sides equally suck.  Suck, suck, suck.

Anyway, Max is still the coolest kid on earth (yes, I'm partial) and we've been having a lot of fun lately.  We've been riding bikes (hopefully you've seen the FB pics of his new bike... adorable), riding four-wheelers (both big and small), apple picking (41 lbs... what?!), tried a gymnastics class (never again... but at least it was free), and just hanging out.  He's a mess and a huge handful but so much fun.

My mom comes in town next week and I CAN'T WAIT!!!  I'm soooo excited.  She and I are going to take a mother/daughter day trip to NYC so she can see the city for the first time!  Woohoo!  I can't wait for her to see Max and watch him climb all over the play ground, ride his four-wheeler all the way around the block, how he gets a wild hair after bath time each night and how freakin' hilarious he is.  Have I mentioned how excited I am?!  I miss my momma!

Well, Max will be up from his nap any minute now so I better run.  Y'all have a great day!



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