Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thank goodness that season is over.... election season, that is.

Wow, last post,  was raving about it already being the end of September and now it's almost the middle of November!  My gosh, this year has flown by so quickly!  The holiday season is upon us, folks!  And, thankfully, the crappy election season has passed.  I'm a registered democrat.  But, I did not vote in this election.  I have not educated myself enough and therefore did not fine myself to be worthy of a vote in my opinion.  Frankly, I wish many other people felt the same way.  I have to commend my girlfriend, Jenna- a hardcore democrat, for an amazing email she sent to me and a few other of our friends yesterday.  In that email, she explained why she voted the way she did.  If any of you know Jenna, you know that she is UBER intelligent and researches everything like crazy.  So, if I'm going to respect anyone's opinion in this race, it's damn sure her's because I know she did her homework.  There are so many ignorant people in this world who spew hatred toward one side or the other and they have no idea what they are talking about.  They're either brainwashed by MSNBC (liberal media) or Fox News (conservative media) and don't bother watching or reading anything else.  Come on, Americans, we're better than that!  It's really sad to me that our country has become a jumbled nation of red states and blue states.  Not to be cliche but, what happened to the United States?  I swear, it's all the crappy media we have now days and the sad excuses for journalist that run said media.  I'm just glad the election and I will now step down off my soap box.  Thank you very much.  ;-)

Soooooo let's get on to more important things, like, how freakin' awesome my kid is.  haha  That, he is. Max is almost NINE months!  Whaaaaat?  When did that happen?  He so much fun and just hilarious.  I know it's only going to get better.  Do we still have rough moments?  Um, yes.  Haha but they are few and far between.  He's just a fearless, crazy little boy with his daddy's energy level.  There is certainly never a dull moment in our house.  He's cruising along the furniture now and we have a little push walker thingy for him to play with and he LOVES it.  So, it won't be long before he's running around the house!

In other news, we're getting closer and closer to receiving orders from the Navy for our next move.  Some very unappealing things have been offered to us.  The first offer was a pretty cush job over in Sicily where Christian would fly Gulf Streams (very coveted type-rating) or some crap job over in Korea (um, yuck).  So, we're trying to push those off the table so we can stay in the states but everything is kind of in a wait-it-out mode with us.  Of course, I'm still trying to have as much input as possible and for us to get back down south!  That's my main concern right now.  I'm trying to get CLOSER to family, not freaking move half way across the world!  Ugh.... so, I'm thinking we'll know a final decision in January sometime.  But, who knows.

Anyway, Max just woke up from his nap so off I go!  Hope y'all have a great day!  Weekend is almost here!



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