Thursday, September 27, 2012

September's almost over!?

Hey everyone!  One question:  How the heck is it almost October already?!?  It's crazy how quickly year gone by!  So, it's been about a month since I last posted and a LOT has gone on in the Jenkins' Household since then!  We just got back from another wonderful trip to visit family in Germany and Max is now SEVEN months old!  WHAT??  We've had grandparents come visit Max and we've just continued our crazy life.  :)

So, first thing's first.  Our trip to Germany was fantastic.  Max was a travel champ!!!  It started off a little bumpy as we tried our hardest to use Space A military flights to get to Germany but our luck wasn't too good this year.  After three days of trying to get on a flight and having it postponed and cancelled, we opted for the less desirable method of travel- commercial flights.  I REALLY didn't want to fly commercially because international flights freak me out and I have a little anxiety about flying from a big city into a big city.  Yes, terrorism still scares me.  But, everything went off without a hitch and our flight from Philly to Frankfurt was great.  Max slept for about five hours straight on that flight since it was his normal bedtime so that was pretty nice.  We landed in Frankfurt at about 7 a.m. local time there.  So, Max only got about five hours of sleep for his "nighttime" and we just kept him up as much as we could that day, limited his naps to two hours and took him outside into the sunshine to help re-set his clock to Germany time and it only took him about a day or two to really get into the groove of things over there!  That was awesome!  I was planning on 10 days with no sleep and a fussy baby but he proved me wrong!  We had a great time with family and loved seeing Max's great grandparents just swoon over him!  Everyone loved him and he loved all the attention.  :)  We went into Frankfurt a few days here and there, visited historic sites, botanical gardens, an emperor's grandson's castle for a garden festival, went to an Oktoberfest celebration with the whole family, drove down to Heidelberg for a little site-seeing and spent a lot of time with family.  The flight home went really well too.  Max only slept about two hours total on that flight but we just played the rest of the time so it went by really quickly!  And, I think he's already back on our time zone!  So, all in all, another great trip for the books!  We'll do it again next year!

As I mentioned, Max's grandparents came to visit this month and we LOVED having them here!  My dad and step-mom came up one weekend and then my mom came up the following weekend.  It was SOOOO great to see family.  I know I say this all the time but I miss my family SOOOO much!  While we were in Germany, I got a little teary eyed more than once just thinking about how special it is to have family close by.  I'm so jealous of people who get to live near family.  One day, Chrissi.... one day.  :(  I'm still keeping my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed to have the Navy bless us with a southern locale for our next tour.  Please continue to pray for us that we get either New Orleans or Jacksonville.  I think I might have a breakdown if we don't.  :(  I know I can handle anything but, man, I want to be within driving distance of my parents, cousins, and friends!!!

So anyway, enough with my sob story.  Christian left today for a trip overseas and he'll be back next week.  Next weekend (Columbus Day weekend), we're planning on going to Meredith, New Hampshire for a clam bake we go to every year.  It's hosted by our friend's parents and it's SOOO much fun and so beautiful.  So, I'm hoping Christian comes back on time so we can go!

After that trip, we don't really have much planned in terms of travel.  I know we'll probably go out to western MD for a visit with my in-laws later this month and we're planning on going there again for Thanksgiving.  Christian leaves for a few weeks in December and then we'll head down to Pensacola for a couple weeks over Christmas!  I'm so excited!  Oh yeah, Halloween is in there too so I'm still trying to figure out what Max will be.  We were going to dress him up as a pilot since he has a customized onesie that matches Christian's flight suit but he'll grow out if it by then so I'm still racking my brain and the internet for cute ideas.

Well, that's about it for now!  I hope y'all are enjoying the first week of Fall!  Talk soon!



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