Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's been a month!

Hey y'all!

It's been over a month since my last post!  We've been busy... or either this hasn't been a priority.  Probably the latter.  :)  But, I'm back!  So, where to start?

Everything is going really well with us.  Max is so much fun and just growing and changing so much every day!  He is ALMOST crawling!  It's so funny to watch him.  He sits like a little frog and kind of launches himself toward whatever he's trying to get.  He can move about five feet at a time before he starts to get frustrated.  I love watching him learn new things.  It's so great.  He'll be six months old this Saturday and I really can't believe it.  On one hand, it seems like time has flown but on the other, I feel like it has taken forever to get to this point.  I just get emotional thinking that each day that passes is gone and I'll never get these days back with my little man.  I know I have a whole lifetime coming but watching a baby grow really makes you realize how fleeting life is.  It's crazy.  I get a little teary-eyed every night as I rock Max to sleep because it's one more day that is passing by.  I just love him so much... it's crazy.  I think about him growing up and not wanting to hug me or let me rock him, etc.  Ugh, I'm tearing up now.  haha  As Christian would say, I'm a "basketcase".  haha

So anyway, Christian is out of town for the week so Max and I are just trying to stay as busy.  We go to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday and he plays in the daycare while I'm working out.  On Thursdays, I take him to a little mommy-and-me play/music class that he really likes.  It's pretty neat and the teacher has all kinds of ideas to help the babies learn and exercise their senses.  I'm still a member of the Mom's Club here in our town and there is a playdate tomorrow at a park so we'll go to that.  Today, I met a friend, Clarissa, and her little boy at a park and put Max in a swing for the first time and he really liked it!  He had a smile on his face the whole time and was so content.  :)

Well, summertime is coming to an end soon and we have quite a bit of stuff coming up in the next couple months.  Dad and Rhonda are coming up for Labor Day weekend, Christian's running in a 10k mud run the second weekend of September and then we're heading to Germany around September 11th.  I'm so excited to go to Germany but I'm also VERY nervous about the traveling part of it and how Max will handle it.  We're taking a military flight so I'm very thankful that we won't have to be on a commercial flight!  So, just say a little prayer that everything goes smoothly and it doesn't mess up his schedule too badly.  :(  I know it's going to be a little rough since it's a six hour time difference so we'll be exhausted.  Oh well.  It's only 10 days out of a lifetime so we can handle it!  :)  I'm just really excited for the family over there to meet Max!  After we get back from Germany, we have our annual trip to New Hampshire for the Troop Family Clambake over Columbus Day weekend.  We always have such an awesome time and it's SO beautiful up there!  Then, before we know it, it will be the holidays!  We're spending Thanksgiving up this way but we'll be down in Florida for Christmas!

Then, hopefully at the beginning of next year, we'll be finding out where the Navy is sending us next.  We're REALLY trying to get back down south somewhere.  We're hoping for either New Orleans (my number one choice) or Jacksonville.  So, please cross your fingers, eyes, toes, and any other appendage  that we get one of our top picks.  But, as we all know, we can never really get our hopes up with the Navy.... as Christian says, "they're ORDERS, not invitations".  :-/  But, September marks one more year up here!  I'm SO ready to leave New Jersey.  I really liked it when we got up here and I still don't hate it but it's just really different and I miss the south.  I miss being close to friends and family.  I would just LOVE to be within driving distance of Pensacola.  Since Christian is gone so much, it would be so nice to just be able to hop in the car and head to my mom or dad's for a few days.  Man, that would be amazing.  All you folks who live near family, NEVER take it for granted!!!!!

So anyway, Max is in bed and I'm about to head to bed too.  I hope you guys have a great week!  Love y'all!


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