Friday, May 4, 2012

It's May, y'all!

Hey everybody!

Can any of you believe it's already May?  It seems like yesterday I was taking down my Christmas tree!  Now, it's almost summertime!  Crazy how time flies when your a super busy mom!  haha

We made it back from Florida and I did NOT want to come home!  I had such a great time and I really got to experience what it would be like to live near family and MAN OH MAN do I wish we could live near my family.  :(  I guess it makes it more special when we do get to see everyone, though.  I hope those of you who get to have your kids around your extended family never take that for granted!  So anyway, we had a great trip!  It was a blast seeing Max meet everyone.  He even met some new friends- cousin Bram, the twins, Lilah and Colin and big man Easton!  He did great around them.  :)  He also had his first real beach day which he loved.  The sounds of the water and birds put him right to sleep.  I think Max and I are going to come back in June for a couple weeks while Christian is in Japan.  There are direct flights out of DC that are pretty cheap so I'll fly out of there and won't have to worry about a layover anywhere.  Perfect!  The flight I'm looking at now gets in the evening of June 18th and I'll come back July 1st.  That will give me two weeks down there which will be great!  Plus, many of my friends are teachers so they'll already be off for the summer so we'll have plenty of playmates!

Things have been good since we got back home.  Max is still having nap issues but he's only waking once at night, which is good.  I guess you gotta take the bad with the good, right?  Ugh...  With his naps only being about 45 minutes, it's very hard for me to get anything done.  I either get to eat, clean or take a shower... and it's usually one of those per nap.  haha  But, the crappy thing is, when he wakes from his nap, it's not like he's rested and a happy baby.  He's kind of fussy and I can tell he's still super tired.  He'll get fussy and his eyes stay in little slits but he won't sleep hard.  I've tried pretty much everything but if any of you have any ideas, please send them my way!

Anyway, Christian leaves tomorrow for about five days so that kind of stinks.  :(  His traveling really stinks now that Max is here.  If we could just win the lottery or something and have Christian not work and we could all just hang out every day, that would be fabulous!  haha  I can dream, right?

Well, I hope all of you had a great week and are looking forward to a great weekend!



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