Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Florida in 3 days!!!

Hey y'all!

I'm getting so excited about going to Pensacola!  I'm so pumped to watch my best friend in the entire world get married Saturday!  Woohoo!  I'm also so excited for everyone to meet Max!  I know he's going to love it, too.  :)

So, everything is going well up here.  Christian is on another trip until tomorrow.  He went down to Central or South America somewhere... I can't remember.  haha  So, he'll be back tomorrow and take Thursday off and then we'll fly down to Florida Friday morning bright and early.  Our flight leaves at 6 a.m. so that will be awesome.  (sarcasm)  haha

Max is still doing well.  We've hit a few road blocks with his routine and he's been a little more fussy and waking up more at night lately.  It's been about a week of him only napping about 45 minutes at a time so it's been draining me.  Then, he sleeps about 4-5 hours right when I put him down at night but then he's up every two hours.  UGH!  Needless to say, I'm a little sleepy.  But, I'm making it.  I think he's starting to have trouble transitioning through sleep cycles.  A typical sleep cycle for infants is 45 minutes and I can time it to the minute of when he'll wake up.  It's really crazy.  So, something I just tried on his most recent nap is to go into his room about five minutes before he wakes up (since I know exactly when he wakes) and put some firm pressure on his legs and arms so he doesn't startle himself awake.  Then, I have to stand there like that while he goes through the REM cycle.  It's really interesting to watch and  I get to stare at my little precious angel while he sleeps.  So, it's not so bad.  This seemed to work on this particular nap because he's been down for about 2 hours now and I went in twice to help him!  Hopefully that is the issue and I can help him get a little more rest during the day since I know that helps him sleep much better at night.  Plus, it helps me determine what he's in need of!  When he was waking after 45 minutes, I had no idea what he needed!  I'd change his diaper and that wasn't it.  I'd try to feed him and he'd fuss the whole time and barely eat so I know he's not waking out of hunger.  So, I'm really hoping I've found the culprit.  Wish me luck!  Things that I've read online say that I may have to help him transition for about a week but I'm willing to do it if it helps him learn to do it on his on and not wake himself up totally and be grumpy!

So anyway, it's been crazy warm up here the past two days!  Yesterday it was 90 degrees!!!  Today, it's about 80 and it's been beautiful both days.  Yesterday, we went out to Point Pleasant Beach here in NJ with my friend Amy and her little boy.  We just drove out, had lunch and walked the boardwalk a little bit but it was a good time.  Like I said, the weather was gorgeous and it was actually a lot cooler by the ocean.  So, that was fun.  Today, I just ran to the grocery store and went to pick up my bridesmaid dress from the seamstress.  It fits perfectly so I'm super happy about that.  I'm getting a spray tan on Thursday to mask some of my white girl look.  haha  I'm so pale, it's ridiculous!

But anyway, I hope all of you are having a great week and I'll see a lot of you in the next week or so!!!



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