Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Energy needed!!!

Good morning everyone!

I'm dragging this morning and cannot get any energy!  I'm on my second cup of tea so hopefully I'll get a little pep in my step soon enough.  I feel like I have a zillion things to do before we leave this Friday to head down to Florida.  I like to have the house super clean and everything in order before we leave so we can come back home to a house that isn't in need of anything.  So, I have two days to do all of that.  Christian is thinking he'll get out of work pretty early on Friday so I'll have to have everything packed and ready to go tomorrow evening so we can get on the road as soon as he gets home Friday.  So much to do!

Well, someone who doesn't seem tired is this little man inside my belly.  He's jumping around and rolling around like crazy all day.  My stomach looks like something from the Aliens movies.  Weird.  I read on one of my weekly pregnancy updates yesterday that my amniotic fluid has decreased by half and that's one of the reasons I can feel and see every single little movement now.  It's kind of funny because Max seems the like my lower left side.  He always seems to burrow down into that area and when he does, I get a lop-sided belly.   You know, something that I've been thinking about for a while is how I can't even logically comprehend the fact that I am growing a person inside of me.  Seriously, it's mind blowing.  When I start to think about it, I just have to stop because it's just too much to really understand.  I've always thought the human body was pretty amazing but now, I have a totally new respect for my body and the crazy, wild things it can do.  Really neat.

Ok, so... moving on.  :)  If any of you are looking for a good book, I should recommend one that I finished last week.  I can't remember if I've already mentioned it to you guys but if I have, sorry for the repeat.  It's called The Glass Castle.  It's such a good book!  It's written by Jeanette Walls who is a regular contributor to MSNBC and has also done work for the NY Times, Esquire and USA Today.  This book is actually a memoir.  It's a book that is full of some amazing stories about her childhood, her alcoholic father and artist mother.  As screwed up as her childhood was, there were some amazing life lessons learned through crazy experiences and from her parents' "live free or die" lifestyle.  It's an easy read and so, so great.  The story-telling capability that she has reminds me of the great stories my uncle, Glen, used to tell me and Ali when we were little.   I've always loved a good, exciting story.  So, it's great!

I'm now reading a book called Republic: A Novel of America's Future.  It was recommended to me by a friend of mine from high school.  I'm about 100 pages into it and it reads pretty easily.  It reminds me a little of the writing style that James Patterson has.  So, hopefully it will be pretty good.

Anyway, I'm so excited to be heading home this weekend.  I can't wait to see family and friends!  I miss everyone so much!!!  Another little thing I'm super excited about is the fact that we will be spending Thanksgiving in New Orleans this year!  Christian, me, Mom, John and hopefully Adam and his lady-friend will be heading over Thanksgiving day.  As many of you know, New Orleans is my favorite place on earth so I'm super excited to spend some time in this great city.  Plus, a great cajun style Thanksgiving dinner!  We're staying right on Bourbon Street so we're trying so soak up as much New Orleans charm as possible in the one night that we are there.

I also have Laura's baby shower for the twins and Alison's bridal shower while we're in town which I'm so excited about!  And, my first baby shower!  I'm super excited about that too!  Good times!

Well, anyway, I hope y'all are having a good week!  Take some time to enjoy some "me time" for yourself!  Here's a great quote I want to share:

"Optimist: A person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness"

Have a fabulous day!!!!



Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good morning!

Good morning everyone and happy Thursday!

I hope you have had a good week so far!  Tomorrow's Friday!!  I'm pretty excited about tomorrow being Friday because we're leaving tomorrow morning to head to Texas!  We're going to Houston for our friend's wedding.  We have a lot of friends going also so it should be a fun weekend.  Plus, as weird as it sounds, I'm excited about the four hour flight tomorrow because I just got a Nook this week and downloaded a book that was recommended to me by a friend and it's a pretty good one so far!  Plus, I have the December Issue of O Magazine which is the Favorite Things issue!  So, plenty of great reading material!

Then, a little update on our travels down to FL for Thanksgiving.  We're getting in town quite a bit earlier than we had planned.  Christian's leave starts on Tuesday the 22nd but he's just going to take a comp day for that Monday and we're actually going to start heading down there next Friday and get there Saturday.  We're so excited to come home!  I miss my family so much so I'm definitely excited about the extra time.  And, actually, we'll be staying a little longer than planned too.  Christian has a class to attend in Dallas the week after Thanksgiving so he'll fly out of Pcola on the 27th for that and I'll just stay in town until he flies back into Pcola that Thursday and then we'll start our drive back up here that day and be home by Friday.  Good stuff.  :)

So, some updates on baby Max.  Everything is still going well.  I went for a check-up yesterday and everything is perfect!  I'm so happy to be feeling so well.  The only thing going on is the occasional back pain and I know that definitely comes with the territory.  So, everything is good!  I have to have a Rhogam shot next week since I'm Rh Negative but that's the only thing going on that's somewhat outside the norm.

Christian and I went to our first labor related class last night.  It was a Breathing and Relaxation class and it was pretty helpful.  It was nice because it forced us to actually do the breathing methods and relaxation techniques.  So, I definitely wasn't complaining about all the massages Christian got to give me last night!  ;)  Most of the stuff I could have learned from a book but we were glad they forced us to do it.  And, I'm surprised by how few jokes Christian made about everything.  haha  He was a great sport and he'll be a great coach throughout labor.  One thing that was funny about the class was that I didn't read any of the paperwork that was sent to me about the class so we were the only couple that showed up without pillows and blankets.  haha  So, we had to sit on the hard floor but we made our way through it. I felt like a dummy though.  haha

Another thing that made me feel like a total airhead this week was when I realized that I had screwed up my best friend's bridal shower invitations that have already been mailed out.  hahaha  I went up to my office to send out a few more of the invites and realized that I had put her name as Alison Leja, NOT Alison Collier.  So, basically, I put her soon-to-be married name and not her current maiden name.  When I realized that, I thought my eyes were deceiving me.  Haha I literally flipped through every single invite that I still had to make sure this was actually happening.  I called Alison immediately but she didn't answer!  haha  Gosh, I felt so stupid.  So, I emailed the group of girls we invited and 'fessed up to my mistake.  Goodness.... this pregnancy brain thing is amazing.  haha

So, anyway, I guess the whole country has heard this morning that Joe Paterno has been fired as the head coach of Penn State.  Christian is a huge Penn State fan so it's kind of a weird thing to think about.  He's such a legacy and to see that legacy end in such an unfortunate way is really sad.  And the quote that sits beside JoePa's picture on the cover of the Philadelphia Inquirer this morning says it all; "I should have done more."  Yes, he should have.  As much and I love this 84-year-old man who has the winningest career in college football, he made a very bad decision to not take the disgusting information to police.  Sad, sad stuff.

Well, I hope y'all have a fan-freakin-tastic weekend coming up!  I'll be seeing a lot of you soon!!!!

