Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Well, hello strangers!

I know, I know... it's been quite a while since I've posted anything and there has been so much going on!  So, here's a rather lengthy update about the Jenkins' (new) household!

First thing's first- our new house is amazing!  I'm so in love with it's character and charm.  I love the creaking of the hard wood floors, the plaster walls that are so friggin' hard to nail into, and the beautiful radiators in each room.  I've always wanted to live in a historic home and thanks to my amazing husband (since I'm not bringing in the bacon), that dream has come true.... at least for the next two years, anyway.

So, the house is great but the move sucked.  As you may have seen on my Facebook, moving large furniture up a stairwell of a house built in 1927 was a bit of a challenge.  Amazingly enough, though, Christian and I didn't have a single little argument during the move.  With as much crap as we had to deal with, I say that's a huge feat.  :)  We actually had fun and were high five-ing each other when we actually finished moving certain pieces of furniture.  There were three pieces that were major pains in the ass.  We had to move a VERY large dresser, a queen size box spring and a king size mattress all upstairs.  Man, it was a site to be seen.  But, we made it in!  And now, I'm working on unpacking and organizing each room.    I swear, the packing and unpacking are by far the worst parts of moving!

The move has been occupying most of our time so there's not much more of a recap to give.  Christian left Monday for a trip and he'll be back Friday.  It was somewhat of a inopportune time for him to take a trip but somebody's gotta make the money around here, huh?  haha

We're getting back into our traveling lifestyle soon.  Christian and I will celebrate our first wedding anniversary next month and we're going to be taking a trip to VEGAS baby!  While we're out there, we'll also spend a night at the Grand Canyon!  I'm soooo excited to take this trip to celebrate a WONDERFUL year of marriage!  It will be a blast.  So, that trip is in February and then in March, mom and I are going to ITALY!  We're so excited about that trip too!  That's going to be a trip of a lifetime!  Christian will actually be in Sicily for 30 days starting in March so he may be able to fly to Rome for a day to meet up with me and mom.  I hope that happens!  Once Christian gets back home from Sicily, we're taking a trip to Key West with Christian's brother and his wife and our friends Ron & Ashley and possibly some more folks that Christian grew up with.  That will be so much fun too!  I'm hoping to make it back to Pcola in April for a friend's wedding and to see the newest addition to our family, Ali & Ben's little baby boy!  Christian and I will both be back in Pcola in June for my friend Jenna's wedding.  At that point, the year is practically half-way through!  That's nuts!

I'm hoping some of you can make a trip up this way sometime this year!  We love having visitors and we don't have near enough!  So, anytime any of you want to come up, let me know!!

Just a couple more things: today I went to Ikea for the first time ever and I am officially in love w/ how cheap that place is!  It's INSANE!  Their stuff is sooo neat too.  So, that was a successful and frugal shopping trip!  I also had to take Christian's truck back to base and pick up my car since we switches cars last week.  Well, because of all this crappy snow and freezing rain we've been having, my car was frozen SOLID!  There was a 1/2 inch thing coating of ice literally covering every inch of my car.  So, it took me about 15 minutes to get all the ice off (while standing in the freezing rain) so I could get into my car.  It's times like these when I don't like being a Navy wife left to fend for myself.  Another entertaining bout I had with winter weather today was shoveling the ice and snow off of my driveway.  Mind you, our new driveway is at about a 30 degree angle.  So, I was slipping and sliding and almost busted my butt a few times but luckily I was able to catch myself on the door handle of the truck, the bumper, the wheels, and the rear windshield wiper.  haha  I told Christian is was definitely a show for our new neighbors.  hahaha  Needless to say, I wish I was in Florida weather right now.  Oh well, I guess I gotta get used to it!

Well, I was going to get into recent news stories but I'm getting tired of typing on a laptop so I'll do another post later!  :)  I hope you're all having a wonderful week!  I'll chat soon!



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