Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baby it's cold outside!

Well, folks, I am officially back in Pennsylvania!  And, boy, was it one hell of a trip back.... I'll get to that a little later.  Christian FINALLY comes home tomorrow night and I'm so excited!  But, I'm also kind of bummed because he'll only be here three days and then leaves again Sunday for another week.  Oh well, at least I get to see him!  I'm also a little nervous to have him back home.  I think this a feeling many people get when their spouse is gone for a while.  I'm nervous the house won't be in order, something won't be "just right", and there's also the slight awkwardness that's there when we haven't seen each other in forever.    I know everything will be fine but I'm weird about making sure everything is perfect when he gets home!  I don't want anything to mess up our time together!

So anyway, I'm back home from my five weeks in Florida for the holidays and I couldn't be happier to be sleeping in my own bed!  I had wonderful accommodations in Florida (thanks to Dad, Mom and even Karyn!) and I had a great time seeing my family and friends.  I'm blessed to be in the situation where I could leave home for that long and come see everyone.  Shoot, I even got a job while I was there.... ok, just for three days, but it counts!  It was fun to catch up with old work friends and even do some actual work!

Christmas was wonderful and all my gifts from my parents were great!  Mom got me an awesome antique map of Philadelphia framed in a really neat frame so I can put in my new house!  It has a copyright date of 1885 and 1903 on it.  I LOVE it!!!  Then, Dad got me some Ugg boots which have shown their worth the past three or four days!  Those were my two favorite gifts!  But, of course, the best gift was just being able to be around my parents for those several weeks.  That time is certainly treasured!

So, after the long visit, it was time for me to make my trek up the east coast back to good ol' PA.  So, I originally planned on leaving Monday, the 27th after the HSG procedure I was going to have.  Well, I ended up canceling the procedure b/c the timing just wasn't right.  So, I ended up leaving the 26th.  Boy, was that a mistake!  The first snow I hit was south of Montgomery, AL.  And, as you southerners know, we don't really know what this snow crap is all about.  And we damn sure don't know what to do to the roads when it snows!  So, I was stuck in traffic for about an hour and a half in Alabama because the roads had ice all over them.  By the time I got to Tennessee, I saw about 10 different accidents because of the ice/snow.  So, needless to say, my nerves got a very good workout early in the trip.  After I got through Alabama, the trip was going pretty easy.  Roads were clear, not a whole lot of snow, etc.  Well, then I hit the Virginia/West Virginia area.  (Mind you, I was going to my father-in-law's in western Maryland... not going to Philly yet)  Oh, man... I can easily say that I have never been more terrified in my life.  My stomach was in knots, my shoulders and neck kept cramping and I was just a ball of nerves.  So, after about 13 hours in the car and my amazing dad staying on the phone with me for the majority of the bad areas, I needed to stop and stretch my legs.  Well, when I got out of the car at that point, there was no way in hell I was getting back on the interstate.  So, luckily the exit I got off on had a nice hotel so I stopped for the night and rested until the next morning.  The next morning I had two more hours to go to make it to my FIL's house for breakfast.  I made it there with no problem and had breakfast with him and my brother-in-law and his wife.  Then, I was just itching to get home so I got back in the car and drove another four hours  to my house!  Ahhh.... home sweet home!

And, here's what I drove home to!  This was actually taken the day after I got home after my driveway and the streets had been cleared.  The day I got home, my driveway and the roads were still covered in snow and ice.

It was soooo cold too!  But, it's refreshing and pretty and neat because it's something different to me.  So, I've just been going about my regular daily routine... just a little more bundled up now!  
Other than Christian getting home, we have the move to look forward to!  We're now moving January 20th which is way earlier than we expected but that's just how the chips fell.  So, hopefully the snow will hold out and make our move easy.  I'm definitely not looking forward to the act of moving but I'm really excited to get in the new house!  I started packing up some stuff today and I'll have all next week to get a lot done too.  

Anyway, now I'm starving so I better go eat some of my left-over chili (perfect cold weather food)!  I love y'all and hope everyone has a wonderful New Years!!!



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