Thursday, January 24, 2013

A bit behind...

Holy moses, it's been over two months since my last post!  What the heck?  You'd think I'm busy with a crazy kid or something.  ;-)

Well, hello again, world.  Hope all of you are doing well in the new year.

OK.... let me just let you guys know what just happened.  I had an entire blog post, a long one, ALMOST done and I accidentally hit the back button and it deleted EVERYTHING!  UGGGGGHHHHHH!  So, let's see how much I can get done before Max wakes up from his nap....  1, 2, 3..... GO!

So, January is coming to an end and we still have yet to hear anything about our next set of orders.  We thought we would know but now but it looks like we're being pushed to at least next month now.  So, the waiting game continues!  BOO!  I think waiting for orders in January might be the hardest thing.  Especially since January is, number one, the most depressing month of the year, and number two, TOO FREAKIN' COLD for me!  haha  I longingly look at my weather channel app every day to see the warm temps in Pensacola and then the 18 degree temps here with wind chills of TWO.... seriously, two degrees.  Yuck.  But, we're here and we're making the best of it.  :)  Spring will be here before we know it and I'll be loving life again.  :)

Oh crap, Max is moving.... annnd, he's down again.  ok, GO!

So, the holidays have passed and went by SO fast!  Max and I spent almost a whole month in Florida and had such a great time!  Spending time with his grandparents and the rest of my family was just pure joy!  He's so much fun and I know everyone had a blast playing with him.  It was great.  Christian got back from his det on December 21st and drove ALL night in order to make it to our family Christmas at noon on the 22nd.  Now, that's LOVE!  I love that man.  Christian and I booked a beach condo for 12 nights while we were down there as our Christmas gift to each other and it was a great gift!  We got to see some beautiful sunsets and even a couple sun rises thanks to Max waking us up for them.  :)  We had a great time.  But, that 17 hour drive back to NJ was looming on us as our time in Florida came to an end.  But, wouldn't ya know, our kid freaking rocks at traveling and he did SO well.  We loaded the iPad with Mickey Mouse Club and he watched those in between naps and we stopped a lot and even stopped over night at a hotel so the trip was great.  We made it home safely and now here we are in 2013!

Wow, 2013!  It's almost February, which means Max is almost ONE!  Whaaaaaaat???  Craziness, pure craziness!  He's SOOO much fun now and has such an awesome little personality.  He's so funny and says a few words now.  He says "ball" ALLLLL the time.  Everytime I'm in the produce section at the grocery store, every orange, apple, avocado, and anything that remotely resembles a ball, gets called a ball.... and not just once but about a thousand times.  haha  He also can say uh oh and doggie.  And, he says "lordy, lordy, lordy" in his own little way.  OH!  He also started saying "wow".  So cute.  He's a baby genius.  haha

More about Max??  OK....  haha  Well, he's still going to his little play class every Thursday and loves it just as much as he always has.  He moved up to the 12-18 month group since he was getting kind of bored in his last age group.  So this one fits him better and he has more challenging stuff to do.  I also started him in swim classes last week!  We go every Friday and he LOVES it!  He was smiling and laughing the whole time.  Water baby!  My step-dad calls him a future Navy Seal.  I'm not so sure I could handle that.  :-/  Anyway.... everything else is great with him.  He's still not quite walking but cruising along everything and hold my hand to walk.  So, all in due time.  No rush, baby boy!

This month was also the first time Christian and I left Max with a sitter who did his bedtime routine with him!  The only other person besides me and Chrsitian to do that is my mom!  So, this was huge for us!  But, it turned out great and he did really well.  Thank goodness.  He is really good around new people and strangers.  He went through a phase of seperation anxiety and would freak if I walked out of the room but it didn't last too long.  I take him to the gym with me every morning and it doesn't even phase him that I'm not in there with him.  I put him down and he just crawls over to the toys and loves the girls in there that watch him.  It's a nice little break for me too.  :)

Oh, Christian turns FORTY next Tuesday, the 29th!  Wow, old man!  haha  But, he looks damn good for forty, right?  Of course.  We don't usually get each other gifts but I figure this big birthday warrants something special.  So, I'm working on that and trying to figure out what he would like (and not get mad at me for buying  haha).

Well, we've started tossing around the idea of baby number two.  I'm still a little more leery than  Christian is at this point.... mainly because I'm the one who is home alone all the time when he's on missions to random places around the world.  So, it's a lot of work.  It's a lot of work with one so I can't imagine how it would be with two!  Whoa.  But, women make it work all the time so I know I could too.  My sanity may suffer but hey, that's overrated anyway, right??  haha  But, whatever is meant to be will be, I suppose.  :)  I think I need to just leave Max with Christian for a few days while I go on a sleep vacation so he can see how it is.  Then, maybe he'll understand my reservations.... probably not though.  haha  He's freakin' superman and makes everything seem so easy.  He'd be the new super dad.  haha

So, I think I've covered everything that was in my original post... and just in time too!  I hear Max throwing his paci's on the floor and saying "uh oh".  That's my cue!  haha  Hope all of you are having a great week!  Talk soon!!



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