Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Florida in 3 days!!!

Hey y'all!

I'm getting so excited about going to Pensacola!  I'm so pumped to watch my best friend in the entire world get married Saturday!  Woohoo!  I'm also so excited for everyone to meet Max!  I know he's going to love it, too.  :)

So, everything is going well up here.  Christian is on another trip until tomorrow.  He went down to Central or South America somewhere... I can't remember.  haha  So, he'll be back tomorrow and take Thursday off and then we'll fly down to Florida Friday morning bright and early.  Our flight leaves at 6 a.m. so that will be awesome.  (sarcasm)  haha

Max is still doing well.  We've hit a few road blocks with his routine and he's been a little more fussy and waking up more at night lately.  It's been about a week of him only napping about 45 minutes at a time so it's been draining me.  Then, he sleeps about 4-5 hours right when I put him down at night but then he's up every two hours.  UGH!  Needless to say, I'm a little sleepy.  But, I'm making it.  I think he's starting to have trouble transitioning through sleep cycles.  A typical sleep cycle for infants is 45 minutes and I can time it to the minute of when he'll wake up.  It's really crazy.  So, something I just tried on his most recent nap is to go into his room about five minutes before he wakes up (since I know exactly when he wakes) and put some firm pressure on his legs and arms so he doesn't startle himself awake.  Then, I have to stand there like that while he goes through the REM cycle.  It's really interesting to watch and  I get to stare at my little precious angel while he sleeps.  So, it's not so bad.  This seemed to work on this particular nap because he's been down for about 2 hours now and I went in twice to help him!  Hopefully that is the issue and I can help him get a little more rest during the day since I know that helps him sleep much better at night.  Plus, it helps me determine what he's in need of!  When he was waking after 45 minutes, I had no idea what he needed!  I'd change his diaper and that wasn't it.  I'd try to feed him and he'd fuss the whole time and barely eat so I know he's not waking out of hunger.  So, I'm really hoping I've found the culprit.  Wish me luck!  Things that I've read online say that I may have to help him transition for about a week but I'm willing to do it if it helps him learn to do it on his on and not wake himself up totally and be grumpy!

So anyway, it's been crazy warm up here the past two days!  Yesterday it was 90 degrees!!!  Today, it's about 80 and it's been beautiful both days.  Yesterday, we went out to Point Pleasant Beach here in NJ with my friend Amy and her little boy.  We just drove out, had lunch and walked the boardwalk a little bit but it was a good time.  Like I said, the weather was gorgeous and it was actually a lot cooler by the ocean.  So, that was fun.  Today, I just ran to the grocery store and went to pick up my bridesmaid dress from the seamstress.  It fits perfectly so I'm super happy about that.  I'm getting a spray tan on Thursday to mask some of my white girl look.  haha  I'm so pale, it's ridiculous!

But anyway, I hope all of you are having a great week and I'll see a lot of you in the next week or so!!!



Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Hi everyone!

Well, Christian made it home last week.  He was delayed a couple days but he's home now and I couldn't be happier about that!  It's amazing how much easier caring for a baby is when you actually have your husband around!  haha  Well, it's not exactly easy... but it's certainly easier than doing it all on my own!

So, he made it home Tuesday and we left Thursday to head out to his dad's in Maryland.  This weekend was the first time that side of the family has seen Max so it was a nice little visit.  He traveled in the car really well and pretty much slept the entire way except to eat and get his diaper changed.  So, that was a breeze!  However, he certainly knew he wasn't at home.  The first night we were there, he woke up every two hours.  NOT FUN!  It was especially disheartening because the two nights before that, he slept about seven hours straight!  So, now that we're back home, I'm hoping he gets back to that.  Last night we got home and he slept five hours, woke up once at 3 a.m. and then slept again until about 6:15 this morning.  So, not too bad.  But anyway, Max met his "pappy" (Christian's dad), his Uncle Jesse and Aunt Lori, and his great grandmother!  A couple of Christian's cousins stopped by too.  We took Max to church with us on Easter Sunday and he slept the entire service which was great!  haha  We were all in our nice little Easter outfits and I forgot to take a family picture before we all changed into more comfy stuff.  Oh well.  :(

Everything else is going well as far as Max and parenthood goes.  We're still using the Baby Wise routine thing and it is really nice.  Basically he eats, is awake for about 30-45 minutes after that and then sleeps for about 1.5-2 hours.  He's starting to have a little more awake time as he gets older but the routine is nice because it makes things predictable for me.  I know when he's going to eat and can pretty much predict when he'll sleep through something if I need to go somewhere.  Breastfeeding is still going well too!  I almost gave up about two weeks ago because he was going through a growth spurt for almost THREE DAYS and I was here by myself and it was just absolutely exhausting and I felt like a dairy cow.  But, I'm glad I didn't give up.  The only tough thing is not knowing how much he eats.  We give him a bottle about three or four times a week and he seems to be eating between 3.5 and 4 ounces but I'm just worried that one day he will want a lot more than what I have in a bottle.  I guess we just always have to have back-up!  Breastfeeding isn't the most glamourous thing though.  I have a pretty robust supply so milk gets everywhere.  haha  It leaks through my shirts (and breast pads) at night and sprays Max in the face sometimes.  hahahah  It's really ridiculous.  TMI?  haha

Max had his two month pediatric appointment today.  He won't actually be two months until next Wednesday.  So, he's a healthy 10 pounds, 11.5 ounces now so he's gaining weight well and everything else is looking good too.  But, this doc appointment was pitiful!  Max had to have three shots and he also had to have a hemoglobin test redone where they prick his heel and squeeze blood out to be sent off to a lab.  The shots weren't terribly awful but he did scream as soon as each one was administered.  So, that sucked to start with.  Then, the heel prick was just absolutely awful!  The prick itself hurt him but his feet were cold so his blood wasn't flowing really well so the doc had to keep squeezing the crap out of his heel to get enough blood to fill five little circles on a piece of paper for the test.  He screamed and had big tears coming out of his eyes.  At that point, I started crying.  It was horrible!  I felt so awful for him.  The doctor then told me she's never had that hard of a time getting enough blood out.  Ugh.  Poor little guy.  So, after that appointment, he crashed from exhaustion while we went to the grocery store and then he slept a little more when we got home.  :(  He's ok now but I can tell his little legs are sore where the shots went in.  He lets out little pitiful cries when I hold him the wrong way or when I'm changing his diaper and touch his leg.  :(  Hopefully he feels better very soon.

Well, next Friday we have our big trip down to Florida!  I can't wait to get down there and see my family and friends!  I'm so excited about my BEST FRIEND's wedding!!!  I'm also super pumped that we're staying at the beach for a few days on the trip!  Woohoo!  I'm hoping Max does well on the flight and that his sleep doesn't get too messed up like it did this past weekend.  Maybe now that he's done one trip, he'll do fine on the next one.  ((Wishful thinking- haha)).

I hope all of you are having a great week!  I'll post again soon!

