Thursday, December 29, 2011

Is it 2012 yet?!

The Christmas decorations are down, the house looks "normal" and "decluttered"- obviously, I was quickly over all the holiday stuff.  I always love when a new year comes.  It's like a fresh start.  Nothing will really change immediately for us in 2012 but I like the idea of it.  It makes me want to put fresh yellow flowers in the house and pretend that it's springtime.  Yeah, good luck with that, huh?  haha  We have a good four months of this cold weather left before we get anything that resembles a spring day.

But, luckily for us, we have something coming smack in the middle of those four months to bring some brightness to our lives!  Less than two months and baby Max will be here!  I'm so excited, I can't stand it.  I have two friends giving birth to their babies this week and I am j-e-a-l-o-u-s!  haha  Laura and Stan are having their twins, Lilah & Colin, this Friday and I'm SOOOO excited for them!  And, Christina and Chad went into the hospital this morning to have their baby boy, Hudson, today!  Plus, great for the 2011 tax returns!  haha

I'm pretty much ready for this pregnancy thing to come to a happy ending.  I'm uncomfortable now, I'm not very fond of the extra junk in my trunk anymore, I now like staying behind the camera instead of in front of it, and I can't sleep through the night, or more than about an hour for that matter, without waking up for any  of the following reasons: my back hurts, my hip hurts, I catch myself laying on my back and then I can't breathe, Christian nudging me because apparently I'm a champion snorer now, or because, of course, I have to pee.  Plus, I'm tired of not being able to hug or kiss my husband without practically bending over.  haha  It's all very awkward.  But, I know he needs to stay in there a little while longer.  Plus, Christian made a good point the other day: he's easier to keep track of while he's in my tummy.  haha

So anyway, on to other things.  We had a great Christmas as I hope all of you did!  We went to Western Maryland to visit Christian's family for the weekend.  The warm winter has hit over there this year too so we didn't have a white Christmas.  That's pretty odd for the mountains but I'm not complaining.  As many of you know, Christian and I don't really exchange gifts for Christmas so there's nothing to report there but we are planning a beach vacation at the end of April that will count as somewhat of a late Christmas present.  We planned on a ski trip this year between Christmas and New Years but that fizzled out due to not being able to get everything coordinated with a larger group.  But, anyway, for those of you who did exchange gifts, I hope you got what you wanted/needed!

Anyone have any New Year's resolutions??  I don't really have one this year.  I definitely want to get back in shape ASAP after Max is here but I already work out so that really can't be a resolution.... I'd like to read more but I know with baby here, that will be close to impossible to keep up with.... So, I think I'll just stick to the good ol' "maintain a happy life by choice" motto as my resolution.  It's been working pretty dang well for the past two years!  I hope all of you have a fabulously happy 2012!  Make it a priority and a choice!

Oh, I have an idea.... some of your resolutions should be to visit Chrissi & Christian more often!  That would be fabulous!  ;-)  We love having company and any of our friends and family are more than welcome anytime!

Now, I just want to touch on a few things in the news lately.  First off, the funeral of North Korean leader Kim Jung Il.  Have any of you seen the footage of the people "crying" and going into convulsions?  It's a bit much.  The news is saying that it's mostly fake because people don't want to seem unsupportive of the regime but WOW!  Christian and I watched some of Anderson Cooper 360 last night and he showed the footage and we were blown away and were kind of laughing at how dramatic it was.  Yes, it's sad that someone (anyone) passed away but there were no tears and the people who didn't think the camera was capturing them weren't even grimacing.  Craziness.  So, I guess we'll see how his son does.

Secondly, have any of you heard of breastfeeding "nurse-ins" going on around the country?  Let me first make something clear:  I am all about breastfeeding and I think it's 100% natural and beautiful and all that jazz.  But, is it really necessary for a Texas woman to sit ON THE FLOOR in the women's clothing department of a Target store and breastfeed her child?  I've provided a link to this story about the TX woman.
She was on GMA yesterday talking about how offended she was that people kept giving her bad looks and shaking their heads.  She was even offered a dressing room by one of the Target employees but refused it and that's when she says she kept getting bad looks.  I'm a woman about to have a child who I will hopefully breastfeed but even I get a smidge uncomfortable when I see women doing this in a wide open public place.  Is it so hard to find a place a little more private than the floor of Target?  I'm not a fan of this...

Third news story... the awful, awful Christmas Eve fire in Connecticut.  The mother lost her parents and her three children.  The fire was caused by embers from the fireplace being discarded outside the home but still close enough to the home to catch fire.  They were trying to be safe by getting the embers outside but I guess they weren't safe enough.  There were no smoke detectors in the home as it was being renovated.  This is such a sad story.  If any of you are thinking you're having a bad day, bad year, bad anything, just think, it could be WAY worse.  Also, please take time in the next day or two to check your smoke detectors!  After hearing this story, I replaced batteries in all of ours.

Ok, so anyway, I hope all of you are having a great week!  Tomorrow is Friday!  Enjoy the long weekend and have a SUPER happy New Year!!!!!



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