Sunday, May 12, 2013

Movin' on

Well, folks, the move is over.  We have completed move number three in just over three years.  We’re going to be pros at this by the time we’re finished with the Navy!  All of our belongings are now piled into a storage unit as we travel the world (Max and me in Florida, Christian in Japan) and await the word that we have been granted a house on base.  The move actually went pretty smoothly considering we have a crazy little man on our hands and minimal help.  But, our great friends, Vicki & Matt, graciously helped us yesterday and we are SO thankful for them!  This would have been HELL if they weren’t there!  

Leaving this house was really emotional even though we’re excited about moving.  It’s all just bittersweet (as so many things are with military life).  We’re definitely ready for a NEW house without creaky floors and central AC but there are some major emotional ties to this house we just left.  A lot has happened in that house.  We found out we were expecting our first child and brought that precious angel home from the hospital to that house.  He said his first words and took his first steps within those walls.  We had the best neighbors we could ask for and will miss the easy walks into town for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just coffee.  I’ll always miss the fantastic character of that house.  It was built in 1926 and still had the original hardwood floors and all the original molding.  It was beautiful.  But, not very energy efficient... and the kitchen sucked.  haha.  The peony, hydrangea and lilac bushes in the back yard were things of pure beauty.  I will miss them.  We cried, laughed, yelled, and loved in the house.  But, this is all part of what we call life.  We’re moving on to things that will work better for our family.  Living on base will not only give us a big new house, it will give me a great support network that I didn’t have much of when we lived so far from base.  Living on base will also give me a major sense of security which no alarm system can buy.  So, for that, I’m excited.  Living on base will certainly be a new and interesting experience but I’m excited to dive into it and take it on as an adventure.  Plus, Christian will be home within about five minutes of when he leaves the squadron.... much better than 45 minutes!  

Now that we’re technically homeless, we’re shacking up with my father-in-law for a couple days and we’ll head out on our long drive to Florida on Tuesday morning and make it into town late Tuesday night.  I CANNOT WAIT to be in Pensacola.  I’m so excited for everyone to see Max and for him to hang with his grandparents (from my side) for over a month!  And, you better believe I’ll be taking advantage of those grandparents (aka, free babysitters....).  haha  I’m sure they won’t mind.  ;-)  I’m so ready to be able to just drive over to my mom’s or dad’s on a random afternoon just to say hi (I really miss my parents) or to spend time with my girlfriends at my favorite restaurants (I really miss my girlfriends too).  AND, to LAY ON THE BEACH!  Holy Moses, I’ve never been this pale in my life.  Gross.  I can’t wait.  

Well, anyway.  Today was Mother’s Day and I hope all you mommas had a fabulous day!  I had a great day and Max was extra loving today.  I got a massive amount of hugs from that littler lover.  I think he knew it was momma’s special day.  We went to church this morning (the only church Christian and I go to) and didn’t even have to take Max out of the sanctuary a single time!  That was impressive!  Then, we got back home and he took a nice long nap since he didn’t really get in bed until close to eleven o’clock last night since we got here so late.  After his nap, we went to Christian’s cousin’s house for a family get-together.  Oh, and it snowed.  Yep, that’s right folks... it’s the middle of May and it was snowing today.  Not hard and nothing stuck but there were definitely snow flakes falling from the sky.  I guess that’s what western Maryland mountain living will get ya.  No.  Thank.  You.  Have I mentioned that I’m ready to be in Florida?  :-)

Alright, I’m going to relax and read before hittin’ the hay!  Talk soon.

