Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ummm, Spring? Where are you??

Hey y'all!

Hope everyone is doing well!  Everything up here is just hunky dory.  It's still friggin' freezing all the time and I'm SICK of it!  This has been the longest winter of my life and I really don't understand why anyone would choose to live in any area of this country where it's so cold for so long.  And, yes, I know, it could be worse.  But, it's not worse right now, it's just cold and it just plain sucks.  But, the bulbs are starting to pop through the dirt and I've actually seen a few daffodil blooms in the past day or two.  FINALLY!

Other than old man winter outstaying his welcome, everything else is great.  :)  I have a few updates that have come to fruition since my last post.  So, you know I mentioned that we'd be moving into a newer home, right?  Well, we've made the decision to move into base housing.  We're pretty excited about this decision because the houses are new construction and they're pretty big with nice garages and tons of storage.  But, there's quite a long waiting list (5-7 months) so we're just waiting to hear when we will be moving.  We have a bit of a hectic summer planned right now.  So, in May, we're moving out of this house and putting all of our stuff into a storage unit.  Then, Christian will drive me and Max down to Florida so we can stay down there while he is in Japan until the end of June.  So, when Christian gets back in the States, he'll either stay in NJ and move into our new house (if we have one by then) or he'll fly back down to Florida to stay with us for a few days before we drive back.  Then, if we still don't have a house, we'll move into these little furnished apartments on base at the temporary lodging facility until we actually get a house.  So, needless to say, we're hoping for a house sooner rather than later.

I'm pretty excited about being in Pensacola for about a month and half!  I've rented a little cottage in downtown Pcola for me and Max.  Neither of my parents have two extra rooms so I'd be stuck in the same room as him if I stayed with them.  I get zero sleep and he starts reverting back to sleeping like a newborn when he knows I'm RIGHT there.  So, having our own little house will be perfect.  Plus, it's only a short jog to the waterfront, restaurants, shops, etc.  So, I'm pumped!  Plus, I'm SOOOO excited to be around family and friends for that long during the best time of the year down there (early summer).  Beach days, family time, dinners with friends... fun fun!

So anyway, my last post was right after Max turned one.  Now, he's almost 13 1/2 months old and it blows my mind how quickly the months go by now.  His first few months were just such a blur to me that I don't think I realized how quickly they went by but now that we've had that one year milestone, it seems like the days/weeks/months fly by!  Max just gets more and more fun every day and he's so, so, so smart!  I feel like Forrest Gump when he's standing at Jenny's grave and telling her (with tears in his eyes) how smart little Forrest is.  Just watching my little boy grow and really understand me when I tell him to get his shoes (and he goes into the mudroom where all of our shoes are), or ask him where his milk is (and he goes to get his milk), or tell him to spit out his paci when we get out of the car (and he pulls it out), or ask him if he's ready for a bath (and he goes to the stairs).... or when he just all-of-a-sudden starts using sign language that I've been showing him for months and we can finally communicate when he's "all done" or when he wants more to eat.  Seriously, this little boy amazes me every day.  He knows what sound a doggie makes (bark) and what a tiger says (growl).  He can point out a tractor, an airplane, a duckie, and a ball from the page of a picture book he has.  He knows that candles, the fireplace and the stove are all hot (he holds out his hand like he's feeling the warmed the says "hot" in his own language so it sounds more like dot).  He can say bubble, dada, tractor, duckie, ball, and says bir for bird.  He's also obsessed with airplanes right now.  Anytime he sees one, whether in the sky, in a book, or a toy plane, he makes the sound of an airplane flying and zooms his little hand around like he's holding an airplane.  It's so cute.  He's just amazing.  And he's mine.  And that's amazing.

One year ago, I was barely keeping my head above water in this ocean of responsibility called motherhood (I was closer to drowning than surviving).  Now, I'm treading water and even doing the backstroke some days!  haha  Motherhood is still a hellavuh lot of work.  But, it's something that is so, so special.  I'm someone's mother.  I'm going to be the person my kids are saying "Hi, Mom" to when they get caught on camera in the crowd outside of Good Morning America.  I'm the person my son will (hopefully) always compare his girlfriends and wife to.  I'm that woman who will be Max's first love.  I'm the person who will get to face their tears after a failure and tell them everything will be OK.  How special... and what an intense amount of responsibility that will follow me for the rest of my life.  But, hey, I'm perfectly fine with that.  :)  Something cute I saw yesterday as I was just browsing a cute baby site was a quote that explained the haze of motherhood, it said, "living in a sweet, hazy blur of already but not yet".  I feel like I'm in that sweet, hazy blur every day.  I sit in amazement at how we've 'already' passed something and then I sit in wonderment of the things that are "not yet".

Well, enough with my deep, emotional chit chat.  ;-)  We're heading to western MD this weekend to visit Christian's family and celebrate Easter.  My dad and step-mom sent Max the most adorable Easter outfit so I can't wait to show him off.  haha  I'll take a bunch of pics and post them ASAP!

Anyway, I hope y'all have a wonderful Easter weekend!

