Friday, February 22, 2013

So much going on!!!

Hey y'all!

I have so many things to update y'all on so I'll try to be to the point.  :)

So, first thing's first.... MAX IS ONE!  Holy crap.  Where did 2012 go?  That was truly the quickest year ever.  I wonder if the years go by quickly when you have kids just because you really have no time for anything else.  I think that may be the case.  :)  I just can't believe my little boy is one already and on his way to being a true toddler.  Craziness.  I rocked him to bed and cried the night before he turned one.  Poor momma!

We had a great birthday party for him here at our house and had about 15 friends come over to help us celebrate along with my mom who came in town for the weekend (which was awesome!)!  The party was simple, easy, and perfect.  It was everything a first birthday should be, in my opinion.  He smashed his smash cake to smithereens but barely ate any of it and that's fine by me!  The less sugar, the better.  He got some great gifts and loved playing with all of the balloons that I picked up that morning.  But, I think his favorite birthday gift was his new car from JuJu.  He LOVES that thing!  It was so funny how he just all of a sudden knew exactly what to do, how to get in, when to close the door, how to honk the horn and he'll even say "go!" when he's ready for another push.  Seriously, can he get any cuter?

The next big thing in our family's news is that we finally got orders.  We're stuck here until May of 2015.  I'm pretty bummed about it but I'm trying to see a silver lining and look on the bright side.  One bright side is that we're planning on moving into a newer house when our lease is up at the end of the summer.  We are so OVER this old house and all of it's creaks and cracks.  I loved it when we moved in but now that we have a baby, there are so many different things I want.  I want carpet upstairs.  I want a master bedroom that all of our furniture actually fits nicely in.  I was more than one full bath.  I want a bigger kitchen.  I want central AC!  I don't want to pay $400-500 each month during the winter just to heat this beast of a house!  So, there's my silver lining.  :)  Come on September!  haha

One thing that is also pretty neat is that there are two new wives in the squadron who I just really quickly clicked with a couple months ago.  So, I'm pretty excited about new friendships with them!  And, this squadron just recently had a change of command so there's actually going to be an Officers' Spouses Club now.  I have had minimal contact with other wives (unless Christian hangs out with their husbands) since we moved up here so it's been a "fend for yourself" situation.  So, I'm pretty excited about something a little more structured when it comes to a support system because God knows we all need it!

So, maybe it won't be too bad and maybe these next two years will fly by.  I'm just struggling to wrap my head around having another baby up here (no, I'm not pregnant... just thinking).  Christian is gone SO much.  I know I can do it and I can handle it but, frankly, it scares the shit out me.

Uhhhh, what else?  OH!  So, I felt like I was dying the other day.  I had the stomach flu and it was AWFUL!  Seriously, I've never felt that bad in my life.  Thank heavens it only lasted 24 hours.  And, thank the Lord Christian was in town and able to be home to help me out.  I'm not sure what I would have done if I was by myself with Max.  And, he's had the stomach bug all week!  It started for him Monday evening and he's thrown up about once each day since and he barely has an appetite.  But, luckily, he's acting pretty normal.  He's a little more clingy than usual but I know he can't feel super so I don't mind that.  I took him to the doc yesterday just because I was worried about not eating and possibly being dehydrated and turns out, he has an ear infection to boot!  Goodness.  Poor kid.  So, now I have him on a super bland diet of toast, apples, and bananas and he started antibiotics last night for his ear.  I was also in the process of slowing weaning Max from breastfeeding (not an easy process, BTW) when all of this hit but the doc recommended a keep nursing for a couple more weeks just to help his immune system fight it a little more.  So, back to square one for that!  Hopefully the sickies leave our house for good!  But, good news is that Christian really hasn't gotten anything.  He felt a little "off" on Monday but he's been fine all week so hopefully it kind of just skips over him.

Christian and I celebrated our three year anniversary on Wednesday (the day I was sick).  Unfortunately, we had to cancel our dinner reservations and baby sitter for that night but fortunately, we have it rescheduled for tonight!  So, we're excited to really celebrate.  We're going out to dinner at Flemings Steakhouse.  We had reservations for Capital Grille but then got a thing in the mail for Flemings and decided to switch it over.  We've never been so I'll let y'all know how it is.

So, all in all, I think we're all ready for this week to be over.  We've had enough of the sickness and crappy orders.  Bring on next week!  It's bound to be better, right!?  :)

I hope all of you had a great week so far and are planning something fun this weekend!  Do something you LOVE.... even if no one else loves it!  :)

